Friday, May 23, 2008

There is a light at the end of the tunnel...

I know it's been forever since I posted anything. I'm sorry!! I feel like I've been so busy. We've had dance recitals, soccer games, practice, swimming lessons, preschool programs, Young Womens, etc. We've just been going, going, going. But, it is starting to calm down now. Dance is done for the summer, along with preschool, soccer (only one game left) and maybe swimming lessons. YW will always be there, but it's OK, I really do love it. And, Zack only has about 2 weeks left of school. Yahoo! We can start sleeping in again!!! Anyway, when I figure out where all of our pictures are stored on our new computer, I will show all of you Maycee's cute preschool program, swimming pictures and stuff like that. But, tonight I'm going to bed. It's 10:40 and it'll be the earliest I've gone to bed in a while. Talk soon!