Friday, August 22, 2008
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Mary's Lake: The Saga Begins
We love to go up in the mountains. And, a little while ago, we decided to hike up to Mary's Lake up Big Cottonwood Canyon. It started out a little rocky. And, I don't mean that literally. Things have changed quite a bit since Ryan used to hike up there with his friends in high school. So, we couldn't find the trail head. We looked all over. We were trying to go up by some cabins and some some lady called out to us, "Are you guys trying to go up to Mary's Lake?" And we told her we were. She said that we were in the wrong place and that we needed to just head East a little ways and we would find the trail entrance. So, off we went. Did we find the trail head, you ask? Well, no, of course not. That would not make an interesting story, now would it. Ryan thought that we found the the right spot and we started hiking up. But, this trail was like 6 inches wide. I was pretty sure we weren't where we should be. But, we kept going. The trail got steeper and steeper and and more obscure and foresty. We did see a couple deer, though. That made the kids day. So, after hiking all over, crossing a couple of streams, and a little swearing (not too loudly, for the kid's sake- we're not horrible parents!) we finally found the trail to Mary's Lake!! I would say that it was a relief, but we had already been hiking for a couple of miles. But, I was very glad. We followed the trail and finally reached the top. It was so beautiful up there. The kids loved it. We would have stayed longer but we took so long already and we had to get back home. We'll definitely do it again, though!
Avery was such a trooper. She wanted to hike with everyone else. She Would Not let us hold her.
Maycee put us all to shame. This girl is amazing. She really never got tired.
So pretty, huh?
This is the "Yay, we finally made it up here" picture.
Maycee's Queen of the World!
The whole fam. Should this be our Christmas card picture? No, maybe not.
The whole fam again, but with out sunglasses (and makeup I might add. Although, I got a wonderful facial that day so I have an excuse!)
When we finally reached the bottom, we came out at the right spot, which happens to be right at the ski area. The kids had to hop on the ski lift for a rest. Kick back a little, Maycee!